Custom Training Programs
CCWA can work with your team to assess the needs of your business and identify areas of potential workforce growth. Our industry experts then develop a customized training program to fulfill your employee growth opportunities and resolve identified workforce shortcomings. This can include a fully custom training specified to your exact needs. Through open enrollments and personalized programming, our trainers work to deliver a solution that fits your timeline and budget.
As a coordinator of skills assessments, curriculum development and facilitation and certification programs, CCWA provides these services to state agencies through inter-agency agreements, which negate the requirement to execute the state Request for Proposal (RFPs) procurement procedures and allows for immediate response. Agencies can refer to the Procurement and Surplus Property Manual, Chapter 1/Section 5(d) that extends “Exceptions to Competitive Requirements” for “Purchases from federal government, other states and their agencies or institutions and public bodies.”
Training Services and Capabilities
- Workplace Technology
- Leadership and Management
- Business Writing and Communications
- Customer Service
- Human Resource Management
- Spanish for the Workplace
- English as a Second Language
- Interpersonal and Organizational Skills
- Process Improvement
- Project Management
- Six Sigma and Lean Manufacturing